For additional resources, visit and look for these books by Dr. Ross Greene: The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Lost and Found, and Raising Human Beings.
Instructional video series
Filmmakers Laurie Simons M.A. and Terry Sterrenberg M.S.W. are also counselors with a passion for helping people get along in families and at school. Laurie has completed provider certification training in the CPS model and Terry specializes in couples counseling. For more information about the filmmakers and their other productions click HERE.
The Transforming Discipline Video Series contains 6 short
training videos on the following topics:
Schools can get unlimited access to streaming all six videos
for three days ($24.99), or download-to-own for more
permanent access ($99.00).
Each video is intended to stimulate discussion and deepen understanding of how the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions
model (CPS) can be used in an elementary school setting.
Please note: Transforming Discipline is no longer
available in DVD Format.